I started my Formal Art Education at Madras College of Fine Arts in the year 1999-2002 and completed my Masters in Painting from SN School, Hyderabad Central University 2006.My urge to make Art can be described as a need to connect to the child I was when I first experienced the difference between truly being and simply existing.

I was conscious even then of the mystery and power of nature and that I had my place in it. I now feel most vital when I can move between past present and future, between all things animal vegetable and mineral, animate and inanimate, and between intuition and intellect. The materials I put together become vehicles that take me most directly to that child.

Art for me is not about self expression. Instead, it is about separating from self into a simple state of being which might allow me access to a more universal truth.

The works I make are materials folded around ideas which offer themselves to me asking for a voice, and my imagination becomes the language through which I come to an understanding without words.